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ADAyur: Ayurveda-inspired Educational Agriculture

The Centro Studi Bhaktivedanta – Institute of Indo-Vedic Studies – and Fondazione Studi Bhaktivedanta are pleased to introduce a new academic department: ADAyur (Ayurveda-inspired Educational Agriculture).
The purpose of ADAyur is to provide everyone who desires it with the knowledge and experience of how to nourish themselves and cultivate the land, inspired by Ayurveda, the science of bio-psycho-spiritual health, to help better people re-establish that substantial connection that binds us to Mother Earth in a feeling of creative and joyful gratitude.
We do this by inviting interested people to spend time with us outdoors, in the fields, woods, gardens, and orchards, acquiring not only theoretical knowledge rooted in high-level ethical and scientific principles, but also practical experience through hands-on cultivation of the food we nourish ourselves with every day.
Healthy nourishment is one of the foundations of vitality of body and mind. Producing one’s own food while respecting the environment and the creatures that inhabit it is a valuable opportunity to develop awareness of the laws that regulate the universe and guide one to rediscover one’s spiritual essence.
We promote the culture of self-sustaining food production as a tool for not only physical health, but also for good socio-economic management through the harmonious integration of all anthropological levels of the person.
In an era of greedy and ruthless big businesses oriented solely towards profit, the standardization of tastes and consumption according to the indications of algorithms dictated by artificial intelligence and virtual reality —alienating human beings from their most peculiar characteristics and noblest potential—returning to the land with respect and humility is a peacefully revolutionary act.   

We know the power of the impact that the theme of ecology and a harmonious, active, and constructive relationship with Nature can have from the perspective of personal development and spiritual awakening. By healing the rift between spirit and matter, creatures, creation, and the Creator, everything returns to making sense. Especially for the new generations, this is an experience of paramount importance because love for the earth, all creatures, and the intrinsic relationship between health, ecology, and economy constitute a legacy that it is our duty and responsibility to transmit as an antidote to an uncertain yet still sustainable future.
In Tuscany, very close to the campus of the Centro Studi Bhaktivedanta, on an area of 33 hectares of woods, meadows, fields, and orchards, we are developing agricultural methods oriented to the care, enhancement, and maintenance of the health and vitality of the soil. We combine plants and other living organisms that constructively interact, achieving outstanding results, not only avoiding chemicals harmful to human and environmental health, but also restoring the natural richness and fertility of soils previously depleted by short-sighted, profit-driven agricultural policies.
Ongoing study and practice will enable us to adapt the foundations of food science and phytotherapy inspired by Ayurveda into the context of our territory, identifying plants and ingredients that, due to their active principles, represent valid alternatives to those typical of the Indian subcontinent. This approach aligns with our school's spirit of building bridges between East and West.

We warmly welcome all of you to join us in evolving together. Through shared experiences, we are enriched, facing and overcoming obstacles on the path to realizing our dreams, and helping those who wish to do the same. This project offers an opportunity for purification and spiritual evolution, which, according to the precepts of the Yoga of Love—Bhakti Yoga—are achieved through practical and concrete action in the world, in the here and now, as an offering to God and aimed at the highest benefit of all.
If you are passionate about this project, please support us and participate in our initiatives in the way that suits you best.
We are waiting for you!

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