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Incontro promosso dal Centro Studi
Bhaktivedanta APS sul tema della sostenibilità ambientale e dell'alimentazione responsabile.

Join us on the side of the solution!

An event entirely dedicated to the theme of environmental and food sustainability to understand the impact of our choices on the future of the planet.

During the meeting, we will explore how our daily decisions affect the environment and discuss practical strategies for adopting a more sustainable lifestyle.

Experts in the field will share knowledge and innovative solutions, offering insights for positive and conscious change.

It will be a unique opportunity to delve into the connection between diet and the environment, promoting greater responsibility towards our ecosystem.

Roundtable Discussion: S.O.S.TENIBILITÀ

On July 4th, you will have the opportunity to listen to talks by 10 experts who will offer their perspectives and expertise on environmental and food sustainability.
The speakers will help us understand the consequences of our daily choices and inspire us with innovative solutions for a more sustainable future.

Marco Ferrini

President and founder of the Bhaktivedanta Study Center

Marisa Scotto

Ayurvedic Chef and Coordinator of Cooking for the Soul

Pietro Leemann


Sauro Ricci

Joia Restaurant

Stefano Erzegovesi

Psychiatrist, Nutritionist, and Science Communicator

Monia Caramma

Sustainable Food Researcher

Alessia Posca & Eric Staltari

Founders of Elefanteveg/p>

Alice Pomiato

Top Green Influencer and Voice Ambiente Italia

Jolie Grieco

Digital and vegetable recipe creator

Sara D'Angelo

President of Vitadacani Onlus and representative of the Italian Sanctuaries Network

FREE EVENT in person or online

On July 4th, you will have the opportunity to listen to talks by 10 experts who will offer their perspectives and expertise on environmental and food sustainability.

  • The event is open to everyone interested in these topics.
  • Participation is free, but registration is required for access.
  • Cooking for the Soul offers you a vegan lunch.
  • Anyone wishing to support our project, you can make a voluntary donation.

Screening of the documentary "FOOD FOR PROFIT" at 7:00PM

At 7 p.m. we will be screening "Food For Profit", the first documentary to show the thread that links the meat industry, lobbies and political power, addressing the main issues related to this type of industrial production.

Attend in Person

Participate Online

NOTE: The event will be conducted in Italian; you can follow along with automatic subtitles provided by YouTube. In the days following, the most significant sections will be available dubbed in English

The invitation is also extended to your family, relatives, and friends. 

Share this page with them and invite them to fill in the booking form to participate either in person or online.

Venue for in-person event

Institute of Indo-Vedic Studies – Centro Studi Bhaktivedanta

Via Manzoni 9/a a Ponsacco (PI)
Mobile: 320 3264838

Govardhan and the Educational Agriculture Inspired by Ayurveda

Our sustainable agriculture project

Our sustainable agriculture project, ADAyur, aims to provide everyone who desires it with skills and experiences on how to nourish oneself and cultivate the land inspired by the bio-psycho-spiritual health science of Ayurveda, to better help people reestablish that substantial relationship that binds us to Mother Earth in a feeling of creative and joyful gratitude.

We do this by inviting interested individuals to spend time with us outdoors, in the fields, forests, gardens, vegetable gardens, and orchards, to acquire not not only theoretical knowledge with a high ethical and scientific profile but also practical experience developed through the tangible activity of cultivating the food we eat daily.

Healthy nourishment is one of the foundations of the body and mind's vitality; producing one's own food with respect for the environment and the creatures that inhabit it represents a valuable opportunity to develop an awareness of the laws that govern the universe and guide the rediscovery of one's spiritual essence.

We promote the culture of self-producing our food as a tool for not only physical health but also for good socio-economic management, through the harmonious integration of all anthropological aspects of the individual.

In an era dominated by greedy and ruthless large corporations oriented solely to profit, homologation of tastes and consumption according to the dictates of algorithms driven by artificial intelligence and virtual reality that alienate human beings from their most distinctive characteristics and noblest potentials, returning to the land with respect and humility is a peacefully revolutionary act.


  • (+39) 0587 733730
  • (+39) 0587 739898

  • (+39) 320 3264838

  • Via Manzoni 9A, Ponsacco (PI)

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